Booking info

Camping San Marco


Booking info

Bookings are personal and not transferable.

Upon receipt of the booking request (by phone, mail, fax, e-mail or on-line booking), the Camping San Marco will send customers a "booking letter" specifying the following: the name of the person under whom the booking has been made and the booking number, the type of accommodation unit and/or pitch, the arrival and departure dates, the deposit payment method (amount and due date), the booking terms and conditions. Customers must check the contents of the booking letter, sign the document and pay the deposit as acceptance  of the booking-offer, terms, conditions and camping regulation.

The booking shall be considered final only upon issuing of the booking confirmation by Camping San Marco, following payment of the deposit.


Booking cancellations must be sent in writing to Camping San Marco with a legible signature of the person whose name the booking was made. Deposits are refunded net booking- and cancellation- fees, only if the booking cancellation has been sent at least 25 days prior to the booking arrival date. After this time, the deposit shall be withheld in full. 

The date of receipt of the fax/email are considered valid. There is however also the possibility to insurance the deposit you paid. Details are available in the “Booking-protection” area of our website.

On the day of arrival, the pitches are available from 12:00 noon to 10:00 pm and the accommodation units from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. In the event of late arrival, the booking is considered valid until 10:00 am the day after the expected arrival date specified in the booking. Non-arrival entails the cancellation of the booking and no refund of the deposit. Any delays or unforeseen circumstances should be disclosed to the booking office by phone or in writing.

At check-in, customers who have booked an accommodation unit must pay a CASH safety deposit of € 200.00 before being handed over the keys. The safety deposit is separate in terms of accounting from the cost of the stay and it is returned when the keys are handed back, after Camping San Marco staff have checked the condition of the unit.

Payments: The stays in our lodgings have to be settled within the day after the arrival. The stays on pitches have to be settled at least 2 days before departure. No personal checks are accepted. Cash time: 8:00 am - 12:00 noon and 4:00-7.00 pm.

In the event of early departure compared to the remainder of the group members, each member of the crew shall be obliged to pay for their own stay on the day of their departure from the village and only during the cash desk opening hours. Payment made after the day of departure shall entail the charging of subsequent nights until the day the balance is paid.

On the day of departure, the pitches must be emptied between 8:00 am and 12:00 noon and the accommodation units from 8:00 to 10:00 am, during which time the unit must be inspected. 

Cleaning: On departure the lodging must be clean and tidy.

Upon return of the keys, Camping San Marco staff shall check the condition of the unit. If the same is not clean and tidy, Camping San Marco shall withhold the foreseen charge from the safety deposit for cleaning. The Management reserves the right to request a larger fee, should the unit be found to be particularly dirty or with broken or damaged equipment, following the inspection carried out by the person in charge. Customers are responsible for the loss or damage of objects, equipment or parts of the furniture in the accommodation unit and they are bound to pay for their counter value according to the amounts set out by Management and with reference to the inventory list displayed in the accommodation units. 

Repairs and replacements may only be made by Camping San Marco staff.

The sending of the deposit on the part of customers implies acceptance of the booking, of the booking terms and conditions, of the internal regulations and of the price list.

In the event of late arrival or early departure with respect to the booking dates, the following shall be charged for the days of non-use:

• PITCHES: according to the tariffs of “parking of tent/caravan without people on a pitch”

• ACCOMMODATION UNITS: the daily rate with the exception of the daily rate per person. 

Check out pitches: within 12.00 am

Check out lodgings/accomodation: within 10.00 am

Beach service: the beach service is an additional, optional and paid service. It includes an umbrella and two sunbeds and is available from the day of arrival to the evening of the day before departure.

The Camping Regulations are an integral part of the booking terms and conditions.


Camping San Marco di Ballarin Maura e Matteo Sede legale: Via Del faro 10, - 30013 Cavallino Treporti VENEZIA Italy
P.IVA/C.F. 02077310270 - Sociale: € 20.658,28 Iscrizione al registro imprese di Venezia n° 02077310270 - R.E.A. VE 197496